Monday, June 27, 2005

Threat of Obscurity

I remain convinced that my life is somehow significant. We all must hold a reservoir of self importance, believing that our personal existence matters, for some reason, however small. Thus religion, celebrity and blogs, all of which strive to elevate the commonness of living to a higher plane of relevance.

When I was a child I believed that I was a profit. Now I harbor guilt for not realizing that calling. I have failed to guide mankind out of the pit of his own ego into the shining light of pure happiness. Ahh well, next life.

In other news remember this picture next time your friend wants to borrow your car - nuff said.

I must drag myself in to work this evening, serving the rich their bruschetta, brioche, and balsamic but my soul is left stranded on the remote tropical island that we discovered this weekend. This entire week will be devoted to next weekends tropical escape. I have really only wanted to return to the garden of Eden or the womb and since the latter is impossible we'll settle for this little slice of the garden. A raging fire under the moon haunted by the rumbling waves and sighing palms is just what I need. An island far enough from the crush of civilization that we can strip off the rags of domestication, run naked, howl at the moon and dance in the shadows of firelight. Now let me ask you who has the ultimate measure of sanity. Is it any less mad to layer on the demands of fashion, crawl through hallways and elevators and sit obediently at the keyboards of labor answering the call of capitalism while ignoring the call of the Macaw?

I don't mean to be self righteous or posture myself as some enlightened wanderer. I'm just working through this stuff. Trying to come up with some rational reason why a perfectly sane adult would abandon America and all its demands to hide out in the tropics. Well I suppose it's not that far fetched. Everyone, somewhere in their subconscious, harbors a tropical daydream, it's just that I made mine a reality and now have to deal with the consequences of a dream becoming reality. Not a goal mind you, that's something entirely different and not at all what I'm speaking of. Goals are born out of practical thinking, responsibility and such nonsense.

At any rate I will document our escape to Eden and report on it here.


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