Saturday, June 25, 2005

Anxiety Ridden Daydreams of a Forgotten Pirate

This is the schooner. She is 40' long, 12' wide and an excellent vessel to live out pirate fantasies. I dream of hauling her out of the water and putting her on the hard. Then painting her black and outfitting her with various piratical accoutrements (that's French for "stuff"). Then sliding her back into the Caribbean Sea, raising the black flag, and plying these virgin waters for my fortune.

Speaking of which, I don't have any yet and so she sits at anchor awaiting my first treasure so that I might make her up to be menacing and undistinguished. Anyone interested in helping with this most dubious project please contact me and secure yourself favored passage upon her maiden voyage as a pirate schooner.

I am also in search of a good pirate type name to go along with her reincarnation. I am completely serious about all of this except I don't plan to do much pillaging and plundering more drinking grog and laying about in hammocks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all hail the lenard schooner!

1:04 PM  

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